Friday, December 27, 2019
William Goldings View of Humanity - 1383 Words
William Goldings View of Humanity Taking a post at the Maidstone Grammar School for boys and joining the Royal Navy, gave Golding his understanding of boys and cynical view of the war. William Golding says, the theme (of the book) is an attempt to trace back the defects of society to the defects of human nature... Goldings view of humanity is clearly displayed throughout Lord of the Flies. Through the constant symbolism we are made aware of Goldings pessimism towards society. As the book progresses he forms an allegory between the island and the real world. When the boys first arrive on the island they are full of enthusiasm and are eager to begin a new, civilised society. We witness†¦show more content†¦He demonstrates the careless and destructive nature of humanity through the boys irresponsible actions. Using this event Golding proclaims his disapproval with humanity. Savagery and primitive behaviour become very popular with Jack. At one point he is described as dog-likeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦on all fours, which illustrates how far he has strayed from being a civilised individual. As Jacks obsession with hunting develops he goes to new extremes and covers his face in dazzle paint. The fact that Jack has gone from being an orderly choirboy to an animal-like savage, displays humans inability to create and abide by an organised regime. Golding elucidates his pessimistic view of humanity through the hopeless position Jack and the others find themselves in. Ralphs authority over the boys also becomes limited. The fact that Ralph and Jacks order of priorities are so different, Ralphs being the fire and Jacks being hunting, at once results in a division within the group. This division eventually results in Jacks dictatorship over a majority of the boys. Jacks style of leadership is based on domination and fear. What he cant control he seeks to destroy, which contributes to downfall of the island. This demonstrates how Golding observes the world as in discord. He sees humanity as incapable ofShow MoreRelatedSocietal Breakdown On The Island1720 Words  | 7 Pagesand/or language using critical texts. Hypothesis: Societal breakdown on the island is due to the inherent evil of man Jason Carvalho ‘Lord of the Flies’ is the name of William Golding’s historically famous novel, yet it is more than just a title. It is a kind of statement, a way of mocking the very existences of humanity. Reading this book I came to a very profound and troubling conclusion that I struggle to accept: Societal breakdown on the island is due to the inherent evil of man. I believeRead MoreLord of the Flies and World War Ii1737 Words  | 7 Pagesimpact literature. British involvement in WWII directly influenced Goldings novel, Lord of the Flies. As all authors use their life and times as reference points in their works, Golding drew heavily on sociological, cultural, and military events. 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