Thursday, August 27, 2020
Ask these questions when negotiating a job offer
Pose these inquiries while arranging a proposition for employment In the event that you’re hands on chase and you’ve did your best, at that point maybe you’ve ended up in the accompanying situation: you’ve effectively endured a progression of meetings, stood by persistently, been reached by a recruiting supervisor or HR delegate, and been made a proposition for employment. Frequently, this is totally incredible news-the final product of a difficult activity chasing process loaded up with good and bad times, fervor and disillusionment. Presently, after a long excursion, you’re confronted with a proposal for what could be the following extraordinary open door along your vocation way. Yet, hang on for a second-are you sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that this bid for employment is the correct one for you?Most individuals can be categorized as one of two camps when settling on a choice about a bid for employment. On one hand are the indiscreet deciders, the individuals who indiscriminately and rapidly lock on to the m ost readily accessible offer made to them. While it very well may be acceptable to show that you’re energetic and eager, there are some awesome purposes behind choosing to back things off a piece and set aside some effort to gauge a proposition for employment before tolerating it. All things considered, tolerating an offer that may not totally line up with your eventual benefits may really interfere with your vocation direction, and it might be hard to make up any lost ground-either in compensation or occupation title. Besides, on the off chance that you do rapidly take an offer that you come to lament later, you might be planting the seeds for a latent forceful work environment mentality down the road.On the other hand are the overthinkers-the individuals who invest an excessive amount of energy and exertion gauging and overweighing each little detail of the proposal trying to arrive at a reasonable and conclusive choice about whether to acknowledge. These people can rely on a couple of eager days and restless evenings as they battle to arrive at some choice. Furthermore, at long last, the fatigue and stress that these individuals produce cause it difficult for them to feel great about whatever choice they reach. That’s not a decent formula for joy either.There is a center ground between settling on an imprudent choice and overthinking a proposition for employment, and for most people it’s right where they ought to be when attempting to choose about whether to acknowledge a bid for employment. Fortunately, there are a few techniques you can exploit to assist you with arranging your next bid for employment. Envato as of late distributed an article featuring the key inquiries you should pose either yourself or somebody at the organization before tolerating a bid for employment. Let’s investigate some of these.Questions to ask yourselfWhat are my non-negotiables? Whenever we’re searching for our next opening for work, the vast majority of us have at any rate an unclear, and potentially a solid, feeling of what we’re ready to be adaptable about and what are major issues. This will fluctuate by individual, in light of one’s explicit needs and objectives. You ought to have a lot of non-negotiables at the top of the priority list when you’re hands on chase to assist you with determining if a proposition for employment is directly for you or if some extra exchange is required.Am I content with the compensation offer? This may appear to be an easy decision, however you’d be amazed by what number of individuals, either out of franticness or zealousness, rapidly acknowledge the main offer made to them, regardless of whether it’s underneath what they were wanting to make-and once this happens it can require some investment to make up any lost money related ground. In all actuality, most offers are inside an adaptable compensation range and there is regularly some space for extra arrangement, particularly in the event that they truly need you in their group. Simply recollect not to be excessively forceful here or you could end up working yourself out of an offer completely.Is the organization legitimate and stable? The exact opposite thing you need to have happen is to hop onto a sinking transport. Regardless of whether the offer is extraordinary, what acceptable is it if the organization implodes before you can truly receive any rewards? Before you consent to acknowledge an offer, get your work done and ensure that the organization has a decent notoriety in its industry and appears to be steady for a long time to come. There are even sites accessible for you to find out about what different representatives thought about the organization while they were there. The more data you have available to you, the more educated your choice will be, which is consistently a decent move.Can I see myself coexisting with my future associates and managers? This one’s somewhat harder, as you’ll never really know the appropriate response until you begin working there, yet give a valiant effort to utilize meetings and office visit to get a feeling of what it may resemble to work there. Does there appear to be an amicable and synergistic vibe with great vitality, or accomplishes something more negative and gainful appear to be noticeable all around? In the event that conceivable, connect with whoever you stumble into or are acquainted with and check whether they appear the kind of individuals you’d click well with. For most people, this issues a great deal and could be the contrast between a speedy miserable activity jump and a delightful and stretched out stay.Questions to ask a HR delegate or recruiting managerWhen do you need my choice? In the event that you need to benefit as much as possible from your chance to gauge a proposition for employment completely, it assists with knowing how much time you need to choose. Affably posing this inquiry will enable you to know what time span you’re working with, and afterward you can go from there.What benefits are being advertised? Notwithstanding fundamental data, for example, pay which is commonly given after getting an offer-knowing what else is remembered for the offer (i.e., excursion time, retirement investment funds, protection inclusion, rec center enrollment, and so forth.) will assist you with weighing the full offer and decide whether any extra focuses need negotiating.What will my regular duties resemble? Ideally, you have an unmistakable response to this inquiry in the wake of meeting, yet on the off chance that you don’t its alright to request somewhat more detail before tolerating an offer. Keep in mind, tolerating a new position is a significant life responsibility, so it makes sense that you’ll need to know all the boundaries of the arrangement so you can pick admirably, including what your normal work day will resemble particular ly if a portion of these subtleties are on your non-debatable list.Consider posing these inquiries when you’re gauging your next proposition for employment and before you acknowledge in light of the fact that once you do, you might be shutting the entryway on any further arranging. Pick carefully and good karma!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Coke Vs. Pepsi Case Study Essays - Patent Medicines, Marketing
Coke Vs. Pepsi Case Study Essays - Patent Medicines, Marketing Coke Vs. Pepsi Case Study Control of piece of the overall industry is the key issue for this situation study. The circumstance is both Coke and Pepsi are attempting to pick up piece of the pie in this refreshment advertise, which is esteemed at over $30 billion per year (98). Exactly how is this done in such a serious market is the fundamental issue. The realities are that each organization is thinking of new items and thoughts so as to expand their piece of the overall industry. The imagination and viability of each organization's advertising system will at last decide the victor as for deals, benefits, and client unwaveringness (98). Not exclusively are these two organizations building better approaches to sell Coke and Pepsi, however they are additionally considering manners by which to expand piece of the overall industry in other drink classifications. In spite of the fact that the objective of the two organizations are actually the equivalent, the two organizations depend on to some degree diverse showcasing techniques (98). Pepsi has consistently started to lead the pack in growing new items, yet Coke before long took in their exercise and began to do likewise. Coke recruited showcasing officials with great track records (98). Coke likewise executed broadly educating of administrators so it would be progressively hard for coteries to frame inside the organization (98). Then again, Pepsi has consistently faced more challenges, acted quickly, and was continually growing new promoting thoughts. The two organizations have likewise depended on finding new markets, particularly in remote nations. In the outside business sectors, Coke has been more effective than Pepsi. For instance, in Eastern Europe, Pepsi has depended on a deal framework that demonstrated to fall flat. In any case, in specific nations that permit direct correlation, Pepsi has beat Coke. In outside business sectors, the two organizations have followed the advertising idea by offering items that address purchaser issues (99) so as to pick up piece of the pie. For example, in specific nations, shoppers needed a soda pop that was low in sugar, yet didn't have an eating routine taste or picture (99). Pepsi reacted by creating Pepsi Max. These organizations in attempting to catch piece of the overall industry have depended on the improvement of new items. Now and again the items have been fruitful. In any case, at different occasions the new items have fizzled. For Coke, changing their unique equation and presenting it as New Coke was a significant disappointment. The new equation hurt Coke as purchasers mentioned Classic Cokes return. Pepsi has likewise had a lot of disappointments. A portion of their disappointments included: Pepsi Light, Pepsi Free, Pepsi AM, and Crystal Pepsi. One answer for expanding piece of the overall industry is to deliberately follow shopper needs in every nation. The subsequent stage is to make quick move to build up an item that meets the necessities for that specific area. The two organizations can't simply sell one item; in the event that they do they won't succeed. They need to consistently be making and refreshing their promoting plans and items. The organizations must be eager to suit their objective markets. Picking up piece of the overall industry happens when an organization remains one-stride in front of the opposition by comprehending what the purchaser needs. My suggestion is to ensure the organization is continually doing statistical surveying. Thusly they can get however much criticism as could reasonably be expected from shoppers. Next, investigate this information as quick as could be expected under the circumstances, and afterward build up the new item dependent on this information. When the item is created, get it to the commercial center rapidly. Time is a basic factor. As I would see it, with these components mulled over any organization should give any organization a decent bounce on piece of the pie.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Fastest Web Hosting Top 10 Fast Shared Website Hosts in 2020
Fastest Web Hosting Top 10 Fast Shared Website Hosts in 2020 .elementor-19992 .elementor-element.elementor-element-19992{text-align:center}Last Updated on March 2, 2020First off, always look at the fastest web hosting providers by comparing the speed of page loading, server location, and uptime percentages, then check out additional speed boosting features you can apply to web hosts.When its important enough to invest your time and energy in designing and publishing a website, its important enough to direct traffic to your content. Youll want your pages to load quickly so that your visitors dont get bored and move on to another website. Disclosure As an independent review site, we get compensated if you purchase through the referral links or coupon codes on this page â€" at no additional cost to you. Dismiss alert Theres plenty of competition among the fastest website hosting providers, which means they’re in constant competition to maintain the fastest page loading times possible. That is good news for web hosting subscribers.Fastest Host ing ProvidersIts not enough to know that your pages are loading quickly, you also want to be sure that your web hosts server is fast, and has a strong reputation for up times.Visitors who find a blank screen when they pull up your website are not likely to return, so be sure to keep reading to learn more about the fastest web hosting providers and which one is right for you!Our #1 web hosting pick:Get top rated hosting for as little as$2.64 per Month Claim your discount now! You might also like: Best web hosting Table of Contents Fastest web hosting companies comparisonComparing the fastest hosting providersWhat to look for in the fastest website hosting providersHere are the 10 fastest web hosting providers1. HostGator (fastest web hosting overall)2. InMotion (Fastest for business)3. SiteGround4. A2 Hosting5. BlueHost6. Eleven27. Site58. Media Temple9. Arvixe10. DreamHostFastest web hosting trendsFastest web hosting conclusionFastest web hosting companies comparison Heres ho w the top 10 fastest web hosts fare for uptimes, location of server, and hosting speed comparison. Rating Company Hosting speed comparison From Overall rating Link 1 HostGator 258.07ms-10.16s Charlotte, NC 99.9% Best deal! 2 InMotion 478.42ms-836.78 ms Washington D.C./Los Angeles 99.9% Check Prices 3 SiteGround 669.9ms-1.79s Chicago 99.9% Check Prices 4 A2 Hosting 455.17ms-1.12s Ann Arbor, MI 99.9% Check Prices 5 Bluehost 915.17ms-10.64s Provo, UT 99.3% Check Prices 6 Eleven2 898.61ms-2.01s Dallas/Los Angeles 99.9% Check Prices 7 Site5 704.41ms-1.95s Atlanta, GA 99.9% Check Prices 8 Media Temple 934.07s-4.54s Los Angeles 99.99% Check Prices 9 Arvixe 1.06s-2.93s Santa Rosa, CA 99.9% Check Prices 10 Dreamhost 621.87ms-2.74s Los Angeles 100% Check Prices Comparing the fastest hosting providersThere are a h ost of things you could compare when trying to make a decision about your web hosting provider. Speed is one of the things that should be at the top of your list.Page loading is measured in seconds or milliseconds, which is a shorter time-frame than you can measure on your own. Thats why we did some comparing for you. Well look at the top 10 fastest shared hosting providers so that we are comparing similar platforms.What to look for in the fastest website hosting providersA thing that you will want to know is the web hosts uptime percentage. Dont be fooled by exaggerated claims for 99.9% or 100% guaranteed up times. Its true that many web hosting providers market their companies by featuring nearly perfect uptimes, but its more accurate to say that even the best hosting companies wont have complete 100% uptimes. Marketing laws give web hosting companies a little leeway in classifying their uptime percentages.A web host that claims to have a 99% uptime percentage may have up to 7 hou rs downtime per month. Web hosts that boast uptimes of 99.9% might have sites down for about 45 minutes a month and web hosts that claim to have a rate of 99.99% could actually be down for 5 minutes or less.Another factor big factor to take into consideration when you are doing your web hosting comparison is the location of the server. Web hosts with servers on the west coast will have longer travel times to the website, which elongates uptimes. Some companies are compensating for that by having servers in the east and in the west and asking subscribers to choose the one that is closest to them.Here are the 10 fastest web hosting providers HostGator uses super charged cloud architecture, low-density servers, and CDN. In addition, they also use multiple caching layers to encourage faster page loading. These enhancements organize website content more efficiently so that dynamic content requests can be processed with lightening fast speed. Since we love HostGator so much, we have ne gotiated an exclusive offer for you! Instead of paying full price, you can get over 60% off the regular rate and only pay $2.64/month here. Click to get the best deal from HostGator now! 2. InMotion (Fastest for business)Web hosting providers who hold the lead for the fastest loading times one week can easily be outpaced the following week, but of course, your hosting normally renews over a period of a year so stats become slightly obsolete in the grand scheme of things when you think about slight speed gains in this respect.With any review or comparison you read you should really take it with a pinch of salt and just look for a good deal. The main thing is that you are using one of the main contenders.Fastest web hosting conclusionThe leading fastest web hosting service is likely to change from year to year. Its best to look at trends and stick to the web hosts that consistently prove that they have fast load times and a strong percentage of uptime.There is also a good case here for not always looking for the cheapest web hosting as a big factor should also be the speed and uptime as well as price, but if you stick with one of the names on this page you cant go too far wrong finding a host for your site.Our #1 web hosting pick:Get top rated hosting for as little as$2.64 per Month Claim your discount now! Best Magento hosting Cheap web hosting
Monday, May 25, 2020
The San Vitale in Ravenna and The Dome of the Rock in...
Monuments such as the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and San Vitale in Ravenna, perform a great importance in Byzantine and Islamic architecture. Both of these structures did not exclusively represent the main place of worship, but most importantly as a symbol of achievement and growth within the current times of construction. Starting in 524, under the influence of Orthodox bishop Ecclesius, the development of San Vitale was to represent the achievements of the emperor Justinian. Julius Argentarius was the sponsor for this structure and it was dedicated by Bishop Maximian in 547. The Dome of the Rock is built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in 692 with the help of Abd al-Malik with the suspected intention to symbolize Islams influence in†¦show more content†¦On the lower half is an organization of geometric forms. However, the most important mosaic is the representation of Emperor Justinian and Emprise Theodora. Justinian is presented holding a bowl of Eucharistic bread as Theodora carries a chalice or vessel of Eucharistic wine. Due to the orientation of these figures and the ones that surrounds them, it could be suggested that they represent bringing Eucharistic elements into the church. Perhaps even as an offering to christ which is reinforced by the three magi bearing gifts on Theodoras rob. The Dome of the Rock is constructed with a wood structure encased with marble and stone mosaics. The octagonal plan has a large central space which is separated with two surrounding ambulatories. Supporting the tall cylindrical dome is four masonry piers and twelve Corinthian columns. With tie beams separating columns from their capitals, is twenty-four Corinthian columns and piers in an alternating pattern mimicking the central circle support. The interior of this space is embellished lavishly with veined marble, gilded glass, and coloured stone. On lower half of the arcades are fitted marble with intricate patterns as above is decorative with mosaics of tr ees, plants, fruits, jewels (such as breast plates and necklaces), chalices and crowns. The gold gilded wood dome is decorated with red and gold floral
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Crime And Punishment In Wuthering Heights Essay - 493 Words
The complex and furious creation of Emily Brontà «, Wuthering Heights is a powerful novel that fiercely combines many of the greatest themes in literature, such as love and its intricacies, revenge and the its terrible effects, and the contrasts between nature and society. One of the most prevalent themes in this celebrated work is that of crime and punishment, or sin and retribution. One character in particular, Heathcliff, stands apart as a conduit for both of these, es-pecially his sins. His past crimes, both worldly and metaphysical, coincide with his punishments. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Heathcliff, to some, began life as a crime. His foster brother Hindley shunned him as a reject from society while viewing Heathcliffamp;#8217;s†¦show more content†¦Partly influenced by her stay at the Lintonamp;#8217;s, Cathy (Earnshaw) sees Heathcliff as lower than herself, and that amp;#8220;It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now; so he shall never know how I love him.; This harsh rebuke according to social structure distorts Heathcliffamp;#8217;s very temperament into a nature even more twisted than it previously had been, and upon Cathyamp;#8217;s marriage to Edgar, Heathcliff finds a target towards which he can divert his unyielding rage. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sympathy should almost be expressed for Heathcliff, since he undergoes a punishment so severe and yet so directly undeserving: spiritual torment. Due to the loss of Cathy to Edgar by a standard over which he had no control, Heathcliff bears a weight on his shoulders for the rest of his life, being forced to endure his life without his true companion. This terrible affliction even drives him to disturb the resting-places of the dead, wherein he makes every attempt to place himself between Cathy and Edgar. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;It could be supposed that Heathcliff dies a wretched soul, convicted of his crimes and having carried out his sentences. There is a glimmer of hope in his character, however, in light of his final temperament. In the end, the love of Catherine and Hareton amp;#8211; the reconciliation of the families amp;#8211; serves as this flickerShow MoreRelatedOthello Comparison Essay3062 Words  | 13 PagesHow is the theme of suffering portrayed in ‘Othello’, ‘Wuthering Heights’ and ‘One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest’? The theme of suffering can come in numerous varieties; under categories both physical and emotional. Suffering is presented as a key concept in ‘Othello’, ‘Wuthering Heights’ and ‘One flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest’. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The And Toxic Marijuan Feminists Always Dominate The World...
Charming and Toxic Marijuana: Feminists Always Dominate the World â€Å"As soon as a woman gets to an age where she has opinions and she is vital and strong. She is systematically shamed into hiding under a rock†. (Brain Quotes). Speaking of genders, men are considered more advantageous than women. Dating back to ancient times, men traditionally were determined more valuable over women based on the physical strengths and the capacity of resistance of outside pressure. However, not reconciled to the situation, women were making great efforts to enhance their positions and fortify their status in the society, which were beneficial for their own developments. For instance, the first female monarch of ancient China, empress Wu, ascended the throne in AD 630. Being admired and debated sharply, her ruling of the empire for over fifty years has laid the foundation of feminism. Meanwhile, her appearance encouraged more women to challenge the public prejudices instead of being the sweet sacrifices of the patriarchal society. Not only in ancient China , also in other various cultures, women were fighting for their rights but buried throughout human history. Defined as complex and sophisticated, women now are performing indispensable roles in the family and society. Under the enormous effects of several outstanding women, the opinion of that â€Å"the greatest responsibility for women is to give birth and center the housework†vanished and gradually alternated to a brand new modern point of
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Inheritance Patterns - Genetics - Senior Biology free essay sample
By measuring various characteristics of the growth rates of the germinated seeds, as well as performing experiments to determine the relative amounts of chlorophyll present, we should be able to scientifically describe the effects of the different mutations. Using the total number of the different phenotypes from our class results, we need to determine the type of inheritance pattern that the mutations show. Timeline Issue date: March 28th Seedling Germination: April 6th Draft of report submission: May 14th Submission of topic: May 21st Final report, and logbook submitted (up to 2500 words) Experimental Design Aim:State your hypothesis from the Hypothesis W/S (â€Å"If.. then.. †statement) Each plant with the Green Phenotype and the GxG / Gxg Genotype (where the g: yellow/white is recessive) will grow much more effectively than those with a White or Yellow Phenotype with the Genotypes of gxg. Design: Describe how you could test your hypothesis By measuring the plant collective daily the hypothesis will be proven through continual comparison of each species. At the end of the measuring period each species and Phenotype will be weighed to determine overall biological mass and which point the overall growth rate for each phenotype will be given. Materials: List the equipment you will need Part A: * Water * Measuring Utensils * Seed Planter * Seeds * Ruler * Soil Part B: * Test tubes * Beakers * Hot Plate * Scales * Cutting Utensils * Light absorption meter * Tongs * Boiling Chips Method: What will you change (called the independent variable) and what will you measure? (dependant variable) What will you keep the same (the controlled variables) and how will you accomplish this? We will be measuring the growth rate of the collective for each species and phenotype. The independent variable will be the phenotypes within each species (ie White/Green amp; Dark Green, Green amp; Yellow). I plan to keep the amount of water at a constant by watering each individual with 5mL of water daily and preventing rain from affecting them. Sunlight will also be controlled by the placement of the seed planters, had the sun gone out due to rain the plants would have been placed under UV filters for the interim. The soil was kept at a constant due to the use of similar soil for each individual seedling. Part A: * Allow the seeds to germinate before placing them into the soil filled seed planter * Water the seedlings daily, assure that enough sun is available for your seedlings * Take measurements of all seedlings as soon as the first shoot appears out of one of the seed boxes. * Repeat Steps 2 amp; 3 for 5 weeks until completetion Part B: * Remove the plants from the seed planters and arrange them into species then into their phenotypes. * Remove dirt and roots. Measure each phenotype’s mass and record the data. * Cut up 1g of each phenotype (measure with the scales) and place into a test tube filled with 25mL of ethanol. * Boil the contents of the test tubes in a beaker filled with 250mL of water till the biological matter has become a liquid. – Add boiling chips to the beaker * Pour each phenotype into the spectrometer’s measuring prisms * Record the data presented by the light absorption meter Data Collection: In what form will you record your results in your logbook? Table / Graph / Diagram? What measurements will be made ? The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effect of genetic lineage (inheritance patterns) on peas and barley when the variables, water (amount per day), Soil (being used), Sunlight (amount per day), placement (of the test subjects) and the time (in which the experiment was conducted) are kept constant. I had to investigate the effect of the mutation on the plants and then determine the type of inheritance pattern shown in each case. By following in the footsteps of the Father of Genetics ‘Gregor Johann Mendel’; I’ve attempted to achieve recreating (on a much smaller scale) one of his inheritance experiments conducted in 1856-1863. This particular experiment led him to create the Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment, which later became known as Mendels Laws of Inheritance. By following the â€Å"Second Law†created by Mendel (Independent Assortment) it was possible to hypothesise that the growth rate of both peas and barley were manipulated by the phenotype and genotype of each individual plant, chlorophyll absorption within each plant and how had the inheritance pattern affected the overall biological mass/growth rate of the collective. Essentially the phenotype ‘Green’ has a higher probability to grow into adulthood without complication due to the Chlorophyll’s ability to absorb more light (to photosynthesise and grow) as opposed to the white or yellow phenotypes which absorb less light due to the colour pigmentation within their leaves. The inheritance pattern of both peas and barely contributes to the genotypes and phenotypes present within the plants. Theoretically had all barley and pea plants of a ‘Green Phenotype’ and the ‘GxG Genotype’ (G: Green) been bred as a species, all of the plants would have had an equal growth rate. In this instance, each plant with the Green Phenotype and the GxG / Gxg Genotype (where the g: yellow/white is recessive) will grow much more effectively than those with a White or Yellow Phenotype and the Genotypes of gxg. Preliminary Hypothesis Justification Sunlight contains 4% ultraviolet radiation, 52% infrared radiation and 44% visible light. All green phenotype plants absorb blue and yellow wavelengths of light effectively to grow whereas green is redundant; similarly yellow plants cannot absorb the yellow light effectively. White plants such as the barley wither due to their pigments not protecting them from over exposure to sunlight. Orientation The experiment was carried out over a number of weeks to allow for plant growth, all variables controlled were done so to ensure a higher probability for accurate results. The experimental design followed practical task information set out by the head of department (John Allwood) and was completed to the outlined standards set March 28th.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Metallica - S ; M free essay sample
Harps,violins and flutes usually arent the first instruments that come to mind whenpeople think of Metallica. On their latest release, S M, the bandexperiments with a new sound, playing their greatest hits with the San FranciscoSymphony Orchestra. Surprisingly, the combination works well. Metallica isnt thefirst rock band to try this, but succeeds where others have failed. Metallicasmusic is epic and symphonic to begin with, so the orchestra and the bandcomplement each other perfectly. Michael Kamen, conductor of the San FranciscoSymphony, said, Metallicas music is always a story. Adding an orchestrawas like writing a film score to that story. Recorded live during twoperformances last year, the double CD opens with the Symphony playing TheEcstasy of Gold, the theme from the film The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.Metallica joins the Symphony in The Call of Ktulu, an instrumental,followed by an amazing rendition of Master of Puppets. We will write a custom essay sample on Metallica S ; M or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The best tracks aremore recent Metallica songs, such as Devils Dance and The OutlawTorn. The older songs are far from disappointing. A new, theatrical feelis added to For Whom the Bell Tolls and One, and lead singer JamesHetfield shows his versatility from the high-energy Enter Sandman to thesoothing Nothing Else Matters. Although mainly a greatest hitsalbum, S M includes two previously unreleased songs. No LeafClover shows that despite Metallicas 17 years of writing music, the band hasnot lost the ability to produce an epic song, though listening to Hetfield growlout lyrics can be downright frightening on Minus Human. S M is much more than greatest hits; it is a good addition to any Metallicacollection. Some fans say the band has lost their edge in recent years, but thisCD is proof theyve refined it.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Reconsidering the History Holocaust Denial. The XXI Century Prospects
Reconsidering the History Holocaust Denial. The XXI Century Prospects Introduction: The Price of Holocaust. When a Murder Is Justified Whenever one thinks of the most dreadful events of the past, the history stages at which the humankind became so cruel and unreasonable that from the retrospective of our times it seems almost unbelievable, such event as the Holocaust is bound to come to one’s mind.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Reconsidering the History: Holocaust Denial. The XXI Century Prospects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Because of the scale and the violence of the event, it cannot be erased from the memory of the world, ad is never to be forgotten as one of the most dreadful acts of segregation against the other race. However, according to the recent statements, the denial of the Holocaust events is currently one of the world major tendencies, which offers certain arguments concerning the reasonability of the movement and its controversy. Despite the fact that Holoca ust was one of the hideous crimes against the humanity that is never to occur again, some tend to represent the tragic event as the stage of the history that people should not pay such attention to, which creates the air of considerable controversy and presupposes debates concerning the significance of the event and its meaning for the modern humankind. Therefore, it cannot be doubted that such phenomenon as Holocaust denial is to be discussed and its absurdity must be proven. The Wind of Changes Is Blowing: When Holocaust Is not a Crime There is no doubt that Holocaust is one of the most dreadful events in the world history. However, once trying to find a suitable definition for the event, one inevitably faces certain problem – as a matter of fact, there is no actual definition of the issue, as the phenomenon cannot be classified according to the existing standards. As Landau (1998) says, â€Å"What was the Nazi Holocaust? So uncomprehended and incomprehensible is the dread event still, a whole generation after, that in this brief space we can answer this question only with a series of negations†(p. 13). According to the author, Holocaust was not a war, neither was it a war crime or a part of the war, or a case of genocide, or racism. Therefore, in the light of the abovementioned, one should agree that Holocaust as it is does not have a suitable definition. However, one can supposedly explain the given issue by the uniqueness of the phenomenon. It is quite peculiar, though, that the Holocaust denial does have certain definition, which can be interpreted as â€Å"an Anti-Semitic propaganda movement active in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe that seeks to deny the reality of the Nazi regimes systematic mass murder of six million Jews during World War II,†according to Anti-Defamation League (2001). Hence, it can be concluded that, generally, the Holocaust denial is posed as a negative concept.Advertising Looking for es say on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Reasons to Reconsider the History: Mayer’s Case Since the outcomes of the World War II were unanimously considered by all states of the world as the act of utter inhumanity, the roots of Holocaust denial mood are rather essential issue which offers plunging into the complexity of the interracial and international relationships. Despite the fact that the origins of the given movement are rather vague, one still can spot the starting point of the Holocaust denial ideas development. According to the recent statement of historians, the Holocaust denial originated from the assumptions of Mayer, which were further on critiqued by Browning (2011), which means that the ideas of the latter are to be reconsidered. It is important that Browning dies give credit to Mayer’s assumptions. According to browning, Holocaust does not need reassessment, since Mayer’s attem pt to reconsider the course of history seems rather futile: Mayer does indeed attempt to set the ‘Judocide’ (a term he prefers to Holocaust) within various comparative frameworks, as the subtitle promises. But as the book progresses, the real thrust of Mayer’s argument becomes apparent. He is not so much placing the ‘Final Solution’ in a wider historical context as he is redefining it. (p. 77) Therefore, it should be admitted that the idea of Holocaust as the event that did to have the significance that people believed it to have first originated due to Mayer. However, despite the fact that Mayer’s objections to the significance of Holocaust are quite debatable and were offered quite a while ago, the Holocaust denial movement is currently gaining momentum. Reinventing People’s Perception of Truth It is evident that there is considerable change of people’s perception of the Holocaust all over the world, as Jewish Virtual Library s ays. The latter belittles the importance of the fact that millions of Jews were killed in the course of the WWII, thus, diminishing the role of Jews in the WWII; on the other hand, reinforcing the idea of Holocaust denial and offering it to the population, the latter make people think carefully over the events of the tragedy and, hence, spurs the discussion. According to what Holocaust Denial (2011) claims, the phenomenon of Holocaust denial is supposed to diminish the role of Jews in the WWII and spread anti-Semitic ideas all over the world: One of the most notable anti-Semitic propaganda movements [†¦] has been known in recent years primarily through the publication of editorial-style advertisements in college campus newspapers. The first of these ads claimed to call for open debate on the Holocaust; it purported to question not the fact of Nazi anti-Semitism, but merely whether this hatred resulted in an organized killing program. (Holocaust Denial, 2011)Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Reconsidering the History: Holocaust Denial. The XXI Century Prospects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hence, it should be concluded that the Holocaust Denial movement is aimed at belittling the Jews’ assistance and suffer in the WWII, as well as convince the world in the necessity to follow the anti-Semitic ideas. However, Holocaust denial movement is rather efficient. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the Holocaust denial ideas and compare them to the ones that support the fact of Holocaust. Hence, one will be able to see if the Holocaust denial ideas have some grounds to base on. Consider the Ideas of Anti-Holocaust: Lost in†¦ Interpretation However, even though most people might consider the ideas of anti-Holocaust movement hideous, it is necessary to consider the major points of the Holocaust Denial theory. Once envisioning the main concepts of the Holocaust denial theory, one is most likely to confront it successfully. Therefore, the major ideas concerning the Holocaust denial are to be viewed. According to what Raul Hilberg says, Jones Icke (2009) claim, one of the greatest mistakes of the people who learn the issue of Holocaust is the attempt to see the entire picture from the every beginning, skipping a number of essential details, and, thus, being an easy prey for those who can lure the public into believing the futility of Holocaust.. According to the researcher, it is important to consider the niceties of the Holocaust first before trying to see the whole picture: In all of my work I have never begun by asking the big question, because I was always afraid that I would come up with small answers, and I have preferred, therefore, to address these things which are minutiae, or detail, in order that I might then be able to put together in detail a picture which, if not an explanation, is at least a description, a more full description [†¦] (Jones, Icke, 2009). Thus, it is necessary to consider the details of the event without trying to embrace the whole concept of Holocaust, the scientist claims. However, the given idea offers considerable complexities as well, since it does not allow to consider the entire concept if Holocaust and, thus, leaves much room for the Holocaust Denial ideas, which is quite undesirable. Once the Holocaust denial supporters are able to manipulate the concept of Holocaust and people’s vision of the latter, the change of the attitudes towards the historical event is inevitable. Concerning the Motifs and the Ideas: The New Concept It is essential to mark that in the given case, when the ideas of tolerance and the political correctness can intertwine to be used a shield for the Nazi-like behavior, one should consider the concept of the Holocaust denial movement closer. According to the recent news, the issue is currently getting out of control. As Sandy Allan (2011) report, Friends of a high-fly ing Tory MP are facing prosecution for chanting offensive Nazi slogans in a crowded restaurant at a French ski resort where one of the party dressed in an SS uniform.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Aidan Burley, MP for Cannock Chase in Staffordshire, was with 12 friends, some of whom chanted ‘Hitler, Hitler, Hitler’. One toasted the ‘Third Reich’ and one taunted a waiter for being French. (Sandy Allan, 2011) Judging by the above-mentioned example, the motifs of the movement adepts can be hardly viewed as another attempt at restoring the Nazi regime. The given trend is rather a tendency to conduct the policy of political correctness and forgiveness. However, it is worth mentioning that the given policy allows and actually promotes the idea that the tortures of millions of people were insignificant. Hence, the Holocaust denial is the concept that does not have the right to exist. The Argumentation of the Holocaust Rejecters: Lame Excuses Among the most essential proofs that support the fact that Holocaust could not have taken place the way in which it is described nowadays, the ideas offered by the U.S. forensic expert concern the opposite side of the conflict, namely, the way in which the mass extermination of Jews took place. As a result of the research conducted by Fred A. Leuchter, it became evident that the capital punishment tools used in the WWII by the Nazi were not designed for conducting mass executions and, hence, could not be used as the weapons of the Holocaust as it was depicted in a number of sources. As Leuchter explained, his discovery was an utter surprise for him as well: One by one I determined that this state equipment was not functional, this state equipment was not functional; and suddenly, one day I said, â€Å"None of the equipment is functional!†Many of the electric chairs were built by inmates and electricians who had no idea of what they were building. They took a picture of another state’s electric chair and they made something that was looked like it. (Leuchter, 2006) Therefore, it can be suggested that in some of the cases, mass manslaughter did not take place in the course of the Hol ocaust. Though the fact that the data concerning the Holocaust victims was imprecise or exaggerated has not been stated yet, there are certain reasons to think that the number of Jews who have suffered death for their nationality I the course of the WWII and the Holocaust is much smaller than it is estimated, Leuchter thinks. However, it still must be admitted that the observations offered by Leuchter are not precise calculations, but merely suppositions and the researcher does not have the sufficient evidence to prove his point, having only the circumstantial one at his disposal. Bringing Back the Ideas of the Past: No More Misunderstandings Despite the fact that the ideas offered by Leuchter do contain certain evidence which can be used as a proof for the reasonability of the Holocaust Denial, it is still obvious that denying the fact of mass slaughter of the Jews is completely absurd. Taking into account the existing evidence concerning the concentration camps, the anti-Semitic i deas that the Nazi proclaimed, and the attitude towards the Jewish people in the epoch of the WWII, one can still observe the violent treatment of Jews, which confirms the fact that Holocaust did take place. As Lipstad (1999) explained, the fact that the fact of the Holocaust can be denied is one of the most outrageous ideas of the XXI century. According to the author’s own words, When I turned to the topic of Holocaust denial, I knew that I was dealing with extremist anti-Semites who have increasingly managed, under the guide of scholarship, to camouflage their hateful ideology. However, I did not then fully grasp the degree to which I would be dealing with a phenomenon far more unbelievable than was my previous topic. (p. 12) Hence, there can be no possible doubt that the idea of Holocaust denial is absurd. Defying the Jewish people several years of fighting for justice and the acknowledgement of their nationality is one of the crimes of the XXI century. With the help of ef ficient evidence, one can easily prove that the Holocaust did take place in the distant 1939-1745. The Analysis: When the Obvious Needs to Be Proven Comparing the two existing viewpoints, one must admit that, no matter how absurd the fact that the Holocaust did not take place could seem to the humankind, there are certain proofs that the theory offered by Raul Hilberg is quite worth believing. Since restoring the historical facts does not seem possible, one is supposed to rely on the evidence remaining since the end of the WWII, which might have failed to pass the time testing. Therefore, there are certain concerns as for the veracity of both theories. It is worth mentioning that the Holocaust denial theory offers sufficient proofs that can be considered worth taking a closer look at. Providing profound scientific basis for the ideas that Raul Hilberg conveyed with his observations of the German weapons of mass destruction and the Nazi concentration camps, the followers of the theor y create the environment that favors the development of the Holocaust denial ideas. It is essential to emphasize that at present, specific techniques of Holocaust denial are suggested for faking the results of the independent researches concerning the Holocaust issue. As Stein (n.d.) explains, these are aimed at creating the impression that the Jews were not as oppressed in the WWII as they claim and, hence, undermine the trust in the Jewish nationality: One thing scientific Holocaust deniers like Berg and Fred Leuchter count on is the fact that many non-scientists cant follow scientific debates, and assume that if it is dressed up in scientific terms, it must be right. But there are many other scientific debates we see today pollution, cancer, global warming, etc. which enter into the political arena. Some of these arguments are made to support a hidden ideological agenda, and the science is dishonest. Therefore, it cannot be doubted that the research results are faked. Noting th e tiniest discrepancies in Berg’s conclusions, Stein (n.d.) explains that the Holocaust denial is actually another attempt at conducting anti-Semitic policy. Be Upstanding in Court: Passing the Judgement Even with the evidence presented so far on the issue of Holocaust denial, there can be no possible doubt that the Holocaust did take place, taking away the lives of millions of Jews. Taking into account the stories that have been told, the things that have been seen and the issues that were documented on the subject of the Nazi concentration camps, one must admit that the Holocaust as a phenomenon of utter violence and incredible cruelty did take place, which means that the assumptions of those who support the Holocaust denial are completely wrong. Even though there is a considerable lack of the documented evidence of the genocide of the Jews, as Shermer Grobman (2009) explain, it is still worth keeping in mind that the facts of tortures and murders are still evident. Thus, it can be deduced that the Holocaust denial does not have enough sufficient ground to base on and is an abuse for the Jewish people. Conclusion: When There Is Nothing to Find. The Holocaust as It Is Judging from the afore-mentioned facts, it can be concluded that the Holocaust did exist. Moreover, it I necessary to admit that people must not forget the Holocaust; nor may they pretend that the given event had no significance in the course of the WWII. Hence, the situation concerning the attitude towards the Holocaust is slowly getting out of control and becoming increasingly controversial. However, the situation can still be changed. Once offering sufficient proof of the inconsistency of the Holocaust denial ideas, one is likely to restore the self-esteem of the Jewish nation and the relationship of the latter with the rest of the states. In the given situation, it is crucial that people should not follow the false leads and be confused into misconceptions by the half-baked claims. O nly with the help of the mutual respect and careful consideration of the historical facts, one is likely to find out the truth. Reference List Anti-Defamation League (2001). What is Holocaust denial. ADL. Retrieved from Browning, C. R. (1995).The path to genocide: Essays on launching the final solution. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Holocaust denial (2011). Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved from Jones, A., Icke, D. (2009). One third of the Holocaust – conspiracy. Nazi, Hitler, Israel, Zionism, Jews. Google Video. Retrieved from Landau, R. S. (1998). Studying the Holocaust : Issues, readings, and documents. New York City, NY: Routledge. Leuchter, F. A. Jr., et al. (2006). Mr. Death. The rise and fall of Fred A. Leuchter Jr. Google Video. Retrieved from 8# Lipstad, D. E. (1999). The growing assault of truth and memory. With a new preface by the author. New York City, NY: Plume. Sandy, M., Allen, P. (2011). ‘A toast to the Third Reich!’ Oxford-educated louts ‘face prosecution’ for dressing as Nazi and taunting French waiter while Tory MP looked on. Daily Mail. Retrieved from Shermer, M., Grobman, A. (2009). Denying history: Who says the Holocaust never happened and why they say that? Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Stein, M. P. (n.d.) Deceit misrepresentation. The techniques of holocaust denial. The Nizkor Project. Retrieved from
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Clean room assignment engineering practice Lab Report
Clean room assignment engineering practice - Lab Report Example The next step in the fabrication process is to create the buried channels by implanting phosphorous ions in areas that will eventually be covered by polysilicon gate electrodes. The n-type semiconductor formed by phosphorus contains negatively charged electrons as the primary charge carriers and forms a pn-type diode structure, which serves to localize potential wells deep beneath the silicon/silicon dioxide interface. The potential well illustrated in the central portion of Figure 1 is a schematic drawing of the diode structure. The primary function of the buried channel is to localize integrated electrons away from the silicon/silicon dioxide interface, where they can become trapped during charge transfer. By localizing charge deep within the p-type silicon substrate, transfer of charge occurs more efficiently with a minimum of residual charge remaining in the gate. After the buried channels are formed within the silicon substrate, a layer of silicon dioxide is thermally grown on the silicon wafer surface to provide an insulating base for the gate electrodes. Next, a phosphorous-doped layer of polycrystalline silicon (polysilicon) about 5,000 angstroms thick is grown on top of the oxide layer. This layer of polysilicon comprises the gate electrodes (see Figure 1) and is transparent to visible light, making it an ideal substance for use in CCDs. Although, the fabrication of a complete CCD takes additional steps, the basics of the MOS capacitor assembly have been completed at this point." I Vs V Characteristics (According to M.Aceves, O.Malik, V. Grimalsky V.5 No. 2 (2004) P. 236-237), National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics ( INAOE), Electronics Department.) The dynamic I-V characteristics of these MOS structures when linear voltage sweep (60 v/ sec) was applied to the metallic semitransparent gate is shown in the diagrams below. Dynamic I-V Characteristics of fabricated MOS capacitor with silicon dioxide as insulator with positive (above) and negative (below) charge recorded when a triangular sweep voltage ( 60 v/s) was applied to the gate. References Process specialities Inc Davidson Michael - National High Magnetic Field Laboratory,1800 East Paul Dirac Dr, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32310 Aceves, Malik, Grimalsky - National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics ( INAOE), Electronics Department, P.O 51 AND 216, Puebla, Pue, Mexico. Physics and
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Healthcare Law & Ethics - Advanced Directives Essay
Healthcare Law & Ethics - Advanced Directives - Essay Example Firstly, the will should be made by someone in his sound state of mind. Secondly, a living will should be specific about the duties or decisions to be made. Thirdly, a living will should be voluntary. This means that the maker of a living will should not be under duress to do so. 2. A health care proxy is a written document that permits a patient to appoint someone called an agent to make specific decisions affecting the health of such patient in the event the patient is incapable of making decisions. However, so long as the patient is in position to make decisions himself, the health care proxy will not be effective. Health care proxy should meet certain conditions. In most cases, people appointed as health care proxies are people who are closely related to the patient such as next of kin. Another condition of a health care proxy is that it can not be signed by the physician attending to the patient. In addition, the patient can issue other instructions to nullify the preexisting conditions. The common health care proxies are issued when someone is about to undergo a major medical operation. 3. Durable power of Attorney refers to general, specific as well as health care instructions or powers given to someone that will be exercised when the issuer becomes mentally incompetent. Someone can also sign a durable power of attorney form. Fundamentally, they are not different from other powers of the attorney. However, a few texts or words are added to make them durable. However, just like other powers of the attorney, they only become effective only when the issuer becomes mentally incompetent or incapacitated. Such powers may require the appointed agent to make decisions concerning matters such as how to handle bank transactions, purchasing life insurance, settling claims, buying and selling of property, management of real estates, among others. Such instruction should be make by someone in his
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Demographic economics Essay Example for Free
Demographic economics Essay Overpopulation is an issue which is constantly being debated upon, as the very aspect of humanity is at stake here. Paul R Ehrlich, Anne H Ehrlich, Frank Furedi and Vanessa Baird bring each of their unique perspectives to the table. Ehrlich and Ehrlich, in the abstract from â€Å"The Population Bomb Revisited†, believe that overpopulation is a problem that needs to be constantly addressed for humanity to survive in the long run. On the other hand, Furedi shares his views, in the article â€Å"Really Bad Ideas: Population Control†, about how he thinks the people that perceive overpopulation as a hindrance are the real problem here rather than overpopulation itself. Baird, from â€Å"Population Panic†, takes a neutral stand on overpopulation among the 3 authors. She does approach overpopulation with caution and yet is optimistic that the issue of overpopulation will get taken care on its own the way things are flowing. Ehrlich and Ehrlich believe that the natural resources humans have available to them are limited and overpopulation will only hasten the exploitation of these resources (65). Ehrlich and Ehrlich also warn that â€Å"it is an error to consider increases in human numbers as automatically expanding real wealth†as it can be seen in the case of China and India (64).Other problems due to overpopulation would be depletion of ozone layer due to exploitation of chlorofluorocarbons and increase in carbon dioxide emissions(66). Ehrlich and Ehrlich also believe that overpopulation will eventually lead to a resource war among ourselves as â€Å"the capacity of Earth to produce food and support people is finite†(68). The only way that we can escape without having to deal with the death rate solution would be to â€Å"entrain a general population decline toward an optimal number†(68). Ehrlich and Ehrlich believe that humans will have to lower fertility rates much further if they want to survive with adequate resources (68). Low fertility rates also lead to an ageing which is ideal as it is one that can easily controlled and managed (65). Furedi detests the very idea of population control. 1) Furedi points out that we are being hypocrites by spending a lot on healthcare and trying to make sure that people can live as long as possible but also blaming ourselves as a source of the world’s problems and trying to minimize the population by carrying out birth control measures.(1) Furedi believes it is the Malthusians, such as Ehrlich and Ehrlich, that are the real problem as they promote inhuman practices such as birth control to be given such great lengths of attention.(1) Furedi discredits Ehrlich and Ehrlich ’ global warming concerns by stating that without human species, the issue would resolve by itself (2)and so the â€Å"obsession with natural limits distracts society from the far more creative search for solutions to hunger or poverty or lack of resources†(5). He also claims that Malthusians strongly lower people’s confidence in fighting future problems(5) by giving people immoral solutions such as stopping to reproduce altogether. Malthusians also enforce the use of contraception for women in poor countries by disguising the whole thing and calling it counseling about family planning which is mandatory for everyone to attend(3). Furedi wants people to start believing in themselves again and begin having faith in humanity as a whole. Furedi believes that people will never reach the â€Å"death rate solution†mentioned by Ehrlich and Ehrlich if they do not sacrifice humanity. According to Furedi, overpopulation should never have been given this much attention and spotlight in the first place. Vanessa Baird seems to recognize that there are both positive aspects and negative aspects of trying to deal with overpopulation. She approaches this topic with caution as there are estimated to be about nine billion people by the year 2050(5). Baird is still optimistic in the sense that she believes that humans are well on their way to stabilizing the populations, â€Å"Fertility rates around the world are falling. If this trend continues, it will help stabilize global population size.†(Baird,5).Baird agrees with Fureti to a certain extent about people starting to blame overpopulation for all their problems, such as child abuse, murder and increase in carbon emissions and people implement more birth control measures instead of finding other solutions to these problems. Unlike Fureti, Baird does not seem to question the moral aspect of dealing with overpopulation. Baird also does agree with Ehrlich and Ehrlich also to some extent about implementing birth control measures as she believes that there are other benefits of lower fertility rather than just population control, such as more education since there is more money available per child when resources are not stretched as much anymore(7). Finally, unlike Ehrlich and Ehrlich, Baird believes that ageing population is not such a great thing as many problems do come with it (8).Paul R Ehrlich, Anne H Ehrlich, Frank Furedi, Vanessa Baird each had their own thoughts and views on overpopulation. Vanessa Baird saw the advantages and disadvantages of tackling this overpopulation. For Frank Furedi, this was never an issue to begin with. Ehrlich and Ehrlich want more emphasis to be given on dealing with the problem of overpopulation . Work Cited Frank Furedi â€Å"Really Bad Ideas: Population Control†spiked, 18 June 2007 Paul R Ehrlich, Anne H Ehrlich â€Å"The Population Bomb Revisited.†The Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development 2009, p.64-70 Vanessa Baird â€Å"Population Panic†New Internationalist, January/February 2010
Monday, January 20, 2020
Tuite’s Literary Criticism of Lewis’ The Monk Essay -- Monk
Tuite’s Literary Criticism of Lewis’ The Monk I would like to preface this by saying that one of the things I learned from this exercise is that, just because an article exists in published form, does not necessarily mean that it is a good article. This is the conclusion I reached after plowing, dictionary in hand, through two articles that were, respectively, ridiculously elementary after one hacked through the jargon, and entirely absurd and unsupported. Disheartened, I went searching again, and this time, came up with "Cloistered Closets: Enlightenment Pornography, The Confessional State, Homosexual Persecution and The Monk," by Clara Tuite, and it is this article that I am writing about. Tuite's only fault in this article is perhaps that she tries to tackle too much. (Something else I'm discovering as I try to summarize it.) Essentially, she tries to prove the existence of visible homoerotic elements in The Monk, and their link to antiCatholicism. No small feat. She quotes Coleridge in his review of The Monk as saying, the novel blends "with an irreverent negligence, all that is most awfully true in religion with all that is most ridiculously absurd in superstition" (1). The reason this is problematic for Coleridge, according to Tuite, is that it reveals the inherent hypocrisy in the English Church, that is, that the Church condemns, with superstitious intensity, the rituals and superstitions of the Catholic Church. Coleridge fears, "Lewis' contamination of Protestantism by Catholicism" (2). Since at this time a great deal of the English State/Church depended on the assumption that Catholicism was low and wrong and Protestantism the ultimate right, the parallels draw n between Protestantism and Catholicism by Lewis were ... ...Lewis attempts, through this, to disassociate homosexuality with Catholicism, thereby trying to make a Hated Other, at least hated only once over, not twice (9). This, I thought, was an excellent article. Tuite has some very good points, which explained, at least partially, some of the questions I had as to Lewis' intentions with the homoerotic elements in the novel, which to my mind, he had included, but never really developed. Essentially, Tuite clarified for me why, though Ambrosio commits every other kind of sinful" excess, this is one he leaves untouched. And I think she proves a very valid argument. Works Cited Tuite, Clara. "Cloistered Closets: Enlightenment Pornography, The Confessional Sate, Homosexual Persecution anal The Monk." Romanticism On the Net 8 (November 1997): n. pag. Online. Internet. (4/5/98) Tuite’s Literary Criticism of Lewis’ The Monk Essay -- Monk Tuite’s Literary Criticism of Lewis’ The Monk I would like to preface this by saying that one of the things I learned from this exercise is that, just because an article exists in published form, does not necessarily mean that it is a good article. This is the conclusion I reached after plowing, dictionary in hand, through two articles that were, respectively, ridiculously elementary after one hacked through the jargon, and entirely absurd and unsupported. Disheartened, I went searching again, and this time, came up with "Cloistered Closets: Enlightenment Pornography, The Confessional State, Homosexual Persecution and The Monk," by Clara Tuite, and it is this article that I am writing about. Tuite's only fault in this article is perhaps that she tries to tackle too much. (Something else I'm discovering as I try to summarize it.) Essentially, she tries to prove the existence of visible homoerotic elements in The Monk, and their link to antiCatholicism. No small feat. She quotes Coleridge in his review of The Monk as saying, the novel blends "with an irreverent negligence, all that is most awfully true in religion with all that is most ridiculously absurd in superstition" (1). The reason this is problematic for Coleridge, according to Tuite, is that it reveals the inherent hypocrisy in the English Church, that is, that the Church condemns, with superstitious intensity, the rituals and superstitions of the Catholic Church. Coleridge fears, "Lewis' contamination of Protestantism by Catholicism" (2). Since at this time a great deal of the English State/Church depended on the assumption that Catholicism was low and wrong and Protestantism the ultimate right, the parallels draw n between Protestantism and Catholicism by Lewis were ... ...Lewis attempts, through this, to disassociate homosexuality with Catholicism, thereby trying to make a Hated Other, at least hated only once over, not twice (9). This, I thought, was an excellent article. Tuite has some very good points, which explained, at least partially, some of the questions I had as to Lewis' intentions with the homoerotic elements in the novel, which to my mind, he had included, but never really developed. Essentially, Tuite clarified for me why, though Ambrosio commits every other kind of sinful" excess, this is one he leaves untouched. And I think she proves a very valid argument. Works Cited Tuite, Clara. "Cloistered Closets: Enlightenment Pornography, The Confessional Sate, Homosexual Persecution anal The Monk." Romanticism On the Net 8 (November 1997): n. pag. Online. Internet. (4/5/98)
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Gadget Addiction
First it was ‘texter's thumb'. Now gadget addicts are coming down with ‘text neck'. Today, many patients are suffering neck pain from spending too much time hunched over phones and computers. The rise of smartphones and tablet computers has fuelled the problem. The extra capability for playing games and browsing the Internet on smartphones means they tend to be used for longer periods. And unlike laptops, tablet computers are often placed flat on the lap, meaning you crane your neck over to view the screen.Knee and hip replacement surgeon Dr Kaushal Malhan says, â€Å"Technology has made life easier, but at the same time brought in newer problems. The easy accessibility to almost any information and quick communication through the use of smartphones and laptops has made them an invaluable resource. At the same time, their indiscriminate use has brought in new health problems. †It is common to find people using their laptops for hours at a stretch. Smartphones now work as mini computers and it is not unusual to find people busy with their phones which are much more than simply a means of communication. People often complain of neck and back pain, and the cause for these can often be sourced to indiscriminate laptop use in an incorrect posture. These patients often have a good range of movements with pain mainly at the end of the day,†adds Dr Malhan. Orthopaedic surgeon Dr Ashish Arbat agrees. â€Å"Today, we are observing many young patients who are into gadgets with wry neck, which is caused by continuous craning of the neck for texting, etc. †He advises that one should exercise one's neck daily and stretch the cervical and trapezial muscle, with a healthy habit of sleeping supine straight, with balanced diet to prevent wry neck.How to avoid such problems – Use a chair of correct height so that your legs comfortably reach the floor. – Table height and computer monitor height should be at your eye level so that yo u are not forced to adopt unphysiologic postures. – Elbows should be well supported on armrest or table in front of you. – Do not forget to blink your eyes intermittently to reduce eye fatigue. – Change your posture every now and then and regular breaks in between. – Stretch out all muscle groups whenever you have the opportunity. – Regular stretching exercises are a must for people who sit for long hours.In case of problems like neck pain, see a doctor to rule out other non-postural causes. Once that is ruled out, one can look at changing habits and lifestyle as advocated above. A short course of anti-inflammatory medication and hot packs with gentle massage should help.  Dr Kaushal Malhan http://articles. timesofindia. indiatimes. com/2012-08-03/fitness/33002266_1_neck-pain-text-neck-tablet-computers Carl Alasko: How will gadget addiction affect us? Carl Alasko On Relationships Posted: 04/08/2012 12:06:07 AM PDT Updated: 04/08/2012 12:06: 07 AM PDT Dear Dr. Alasko: Our two sons, ages 9 and 13, love technology.My husband is himself a computer geek so he thinks it's great. He says the more they know the better equipped they'll be for their future. But I worry about the human side of their lives. For instance, when they're together with their friends, all of them seem to be looking at their gadgets and doing very little talking. I worry that they won't be able to form healthy adult relationships and bond with their own children  except maybe through technology. Dear Reader: You have a right to be worried. We don't yet know if there are permanent developmental problems when children have constant access to fast-moving technology.At this point the â€Å"experts†seem divided. About half are optimistic. They believe that electronically connected youth will have the advantage of being nimble analysts and fast decision makers. The others are pessimistic. They worry that hyper-connected young people are too dis tracted by constant input to have deep-thinking capabilities. And they're not able to retain information and train their brain to remember things because everything is instantly available on their phone. Then there's the question of face-to-face relationship skills and the ability to focus on emotional issues.My personal concern is that boys who grow up completely immersed in the electronic connectivity of video games, texting and ear-buds will not be capable of the extended focus required to deal Advertisement with the complex world of emotional issues, the kind that every adult relationship requires. There's a physiological analogy with our vision. If you do a lot of reading as a child in dim light, your eyes strain to see the tiny printed words and in response your eyeballs actually become enlarged. This condition leads to extreme myopia.It seems logical to suppose that if a child's growing brain is subjected to constant fast-moving images and scattered input from video games, te xts, etc. , the child's brain will lose the ability to remain focused on one issue beyond a few seconds. From the psychological point of view, the term â€Å"deep-thinking capabilities†is the biggest area of concern. I recently read about how we are losing our ability to do long-term thinking, the kind that happens when, for instance, a person spends a few hours walking in a forest. During extended periods of rest (without media), the brain automatically sorts things out on its own.We can â€Å"think through†complex problems. Supporting this idea is the fact that we must have periods of deep sleep. Only during REM sleep does our brain recalibrate and settle down. If we consistently interrupt REM sleep the person develops a kind of psychosis. As I said earlier, you have a right to be worried. The goal would be to achieve a balanced, moderate use of technology. But promoting these behaviors in your technology-dominant family will be difficult. However, if you strongly believe in the wisdom of moderation, your belief (and common sense) should provide the energy to effect meaningful change.Carl Alasko, a licensed marriage and family therapist, is the author of â€Å"Emotional BS†and â€Å"Beyond Blame. †For information about his books, see: carlalasko. com. Contact him at [email protected] com . http://www. montereyherald. com/carlalasko/ci_20351336 Modern menace: Society's addiction to gadgets Top ArticleAll 4 Articles 2 of 4 by Nanette Piotrowski Created on: February 19, 2013 Just ask any six year-old to put down his cell-phone or controller to a video game to come to the table to eat and you have your answer to the statement.They would rather starve to death than do it. Children no longer know what to do with themselves without them. The statement ‘go outside and play' is foreign. If you told them to play a game of tag, they would look at you like you'd lost your mind. Unfortunately it is the parents who have turned the young ones into veritable Zombies. The parents are the ones who fortunately (or unfortunately), benefited from the advancement of modern conveniences; whether it is appliances like washer/dryers, toasters, coffee pots and micro-wave ovens to cell-phones, computers and fancy cars.Somewhere and somehow with time, people have forgotten how to wash dishes and clothes by hand, cook over an open fire, use a broom and live by candle-light or lantern. Heaven forbid! Whereas modern technology has made crucial advances like medicine and surgery, time travel shorter (planes, trains, automobiles) and life easier, it has also created a decline in family time, creative thought, obesity and believe it or not, intelligence.Today a majority of the population (particularly children), cannot add, subtract, multiply and divide (without a calculator), spell (without spell check) or count back change for a dollar, balance a checkbook, change a tire, work on a car, and in a lot of cases, can't even cook. So regardless of technological advances (by a brilliant few), the remainder of the population has become inept, unproductive robots. It is a sad state of affairs to see adults and/or children sitting in a restaurant texting someone, only to find out that it is to each other.Cell-phones, while a possible convenience and safety gadget (calling for help), is also one of the main reasons for deadly car accidents. Most people can't walk and chew gum at the same time, let alone operate a motor vehicle that weighs 3,000 pounds safely while they are talking and texting. Besides these issues, there is also the fact that these modern gadgets also make it possible for government intrusion. Cameras in the television, GPS in vehicles and cell-phones, direct accessibility into your computer; every move you make can be accounted for and watched.Very real intrusions of privacy which can be very menacing. The big question to be asked here is: â€Å"How would society react if there was a complete el ectrical and satellite shut-down? †It could happen whether caused by a meteor, massive volcanic explosion, hackers or terrorists. Think about it; could you and/or your family survive without all the modern gadgetry and convenience? Would you know what to do? And what if it was the worst case scenario where it was impossible to return to the current standard of things and we were thrown back to the 1800's.Truly, society's addiction to gadgetry has become our greatest menace; that of how to cope without them http://www. helium. com/items/2422560-addiction-to-gadgets-in-modern-society Gadget Addiction Making People Crazy Gadgets and machines have become an integral part of our lives. What would we do without them These gizmos are like a necessary condition now which make our lives complete. However, we must keep in mind that everything has its own limit otherwise it can become a cause for concern and in extreme cases, fatal. Market of devices and gadgets seems to be flooded with production.Day in and day out new technologies appear in front of us. If one has bought the latest mobile phone or laptop etc then he does not have much time to feel proud on that because the next day there would be much more superior device than that in the market. This is one of the reasons of addiction. The present day is no less crazy. We are now getting addicted to those things which five years ago we had not thought of even. Earlier people would go and talk to people they know, spend time with them but now they love to talk to their gadgets.Once my friend showed me an application of speaking Tom-cat in her mobile phone which repeats everything you speak and told that she spends a long time with it.. seems crazy.. The effect of this addiction is that people even can’t resist themselves from taking calls and accessing Facebook and other social networking sites during office hours. The lure of being constantly in touch is so strong that they don’t stop sending text messages even if they are told to switch off their phones. It creates a distraction from work. The devices supposed to increase the productivity are giving an opposite effect.In fact the worst affected are the youths. In most of the schools use of cell phones is banned but many of the students carry them. Use of costly and hi-fi gadgets has become a status symbol among them. Daily on way to my work, I see children in school uniforms of age not more than 15 carrying smart phones, iPods etc. It has become a trend now. They push their parents to buy them the latest cell phone or other gizmos because their peers use it. HOW TO GET OVER THIS ADDICTION Gaining or using anything in excess frequently becomes a source of disturbance.It is very important to prevent this. There should be some time bounds to use gadgets. Getting dependent on them is harmful. We will have to learn to balance and manage time. It is important to have a balance between our different engagements such as time spent with family and friends, office work, proper rest as well on gadgets. â€Å"We are exposing brains to an environment and asking them to do things we weren’t necessarily evolved to do. We know already there are consequences. †http://writerspavilion. hubpages. com/hub/-Gadget-Addiction-Making-People-Crazy
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Joint Professional Military Education Phase II - 4456 Words
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